Can you lock out a thermostat?

A Locking Thermostat? You might be wondering what is it? A thermostat lock or a thermostat lock box is one in which where a landlord or a property manager locks the thermostat to prevent others from changing the temperature settings. The reason for doing this is pretty simple. Keep the settings at a preferred setting saves energy and reduces costs. This could result in significant savings depending upon the size of the property. Savings usually range from 15-35% or even more depending on square footage and other factors.

Can you put a lockbox on a thermostat?

While using a lock to prevent unauthorized users from manipulating the settings on your thermostat, this is not always effective. Users can break the lock box or easily pick the lock used to lock the box. This leads to not only wastage in the lock box investment but also loss in energy savings.

How do I lock my heating thermostat?

A tamper proof thermostat from “landlord thermostats” is completely tamper resistant and therefore cannot be tampered with. This prevents unauthorized users from changing the settings. The thermostats have temperature limits coded right on to the circuit board preventing anyone from changing the settings. The settings cannot be changed, period. This is why our products are best sellers with landlords as well as property managers.

Temperature Limiting Thermostats | Landlord Thermostats | Tenant Thermostats |  Vacation Rental Thermostats | Tamper Resistant Thermostats | Tamper Proof Thermostats | Rental Property Thermostats

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Locking Thermostat